
I’m Natalie. I'm a photographer. 

I’ve been sharing stories professionally for a long time (as a photographer, an actress, and a theatre and filmmaker). I first picked up a camera around 2006 and have enjoyed bouncing all over the globe with it, shooting for nonprofits, weddings, families, editorials, commercials, theaters, restaurants — you name it.

The globe trotting has slowed down a bit now that I'm a mom, but my love for storytelling, for finding truth in small gestures, an entire history in a quick glance, has never been deeper.  I love watching and discovering how humans behave and react to each other. How they move in each other's spaces, how they share the same air. Each human is their own small story and part of a bigger story still.

My hope is to tell your story in a new and meaningful way

(portrait by Addie Roberge)

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